Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Car onion rings crossroads this wayward habits are deadly

Little friends Hello, again to a weekly analysis. We'll look at today's case.

Video series has three cars ready to go straight through the intersection,

First car seemed to notice anything, stopped at the intersection of the Central;

Car onion rings: crossroads this wayward habits are deadly.

Second car just stopped;

Car onion rings: crossroads this wayward habits are deadly.

And a third black car, and no slowdown observed, why doesn't care about vehicle stops, but skilled and pass on to accelerate straight ... The result is tragedy.

Car onion rings: crossroads this wayward habits are deadly.

We can note that after his passing noted the dangers also stepped on the brake, also tried to escape, and egg ...

Car onion rings: crossroads this wayward habits are deadly.

By video as you can see, this intersection no traffic light only blinking yellow light, which represents the intersection of two-way is open to traffic.

Car onion rings: crossroads this wayward habits are deadly.

Onion here to ridicule the settings for turning on the lights, the only junction with yellow light prompts, General settings in night or a few sections, and as big as the video this crossroads, often a truck passed by, no traffic lights, accidents occur it is conceivable.

Onion tips everyone here:

1, no matter what happens, if no traffic lights intersection, must stop watch around, unable to effect that. Stop pit 4S shop how much maintenance person

2, flashing yellow lights are not decoration, you need to slow down and, if necessary, stop and look!

3, front brakes, and even stops, the first thing you need to do is to slow down and look, don't try to be smart, recklessly overtaking.

Well, fast forward and let more people see it, security awareness, and to allow us to travel more safely.

Bunkers of knowledge and also want to see more cheats please? In the "auto onion rings" micro public reply, ' security ', ' accidents ' keywords, there will be more!